Hours: We are open 24/7

689 Fairchance Rd., Morgantown, WV 26508

(304) 212-6723

Any Day, Any Time, One Price – No EXTRA Charges for Nights and Weekends for Priority Customer Club Members!

Morgantown:WV (304) 212-6723Oakland:MD (240) 730-1935


For any issues with Indoor Air Quality in Morgantown, WV, Oakland, MD and the surrounding areas, Advanced HVAC & Plumbing is the right call to make. We address problems with excess humidity, overly dry environments, airborne allergens, unpleasant odors, and much more. Family owned, we recognize that generic strategies aren’t effective. By taking the time to listen to your concerns and complete thorough testing, we personalize our recommendations and achieve sustainable improvement.

Reliable Indoor Air Quality Solutions

We offer a great line of indoor air quality products from Premier One. Advanced technology ensures silent, low-maintenance operation and accommodates nearly all types and brands of heating and cooling systems. No matter the size, layout, or age of your home, we create a cleaner, healthier, and more enjoyable indoor environment.

Service VanAdvanced HVAC & Plumbing encourages you to contact us at (304) 212-6723 and learn more about the importance of Indoor Air Quality. From the health of your family to integrity of furnishings and operation of heating/cooling equipment, the air you breathe has a significant impact on everyday life. Let us resolve threats and optimize comfort and enjoyment. Advanced HVAC & Plumbing offers free in-home estimates throughout Morgantown, Kingwood, Fairmont, Westover, Cheat Lake, Star City, Brookhaven, WV, Oakland, MD, and Mountain Lake Park, MD.

Indoor Air Quality is a growing concern. Due to an increase in pollutants, IAQ has worsened over the last thirty years. The tightness of American homes, as we strive to save energy, is a contributing factor. Because of less ventilation, there is less air coming in and less opportunity for bad gases to escape. Carpets, insulation, paint, pressed wood, furniture, adhesives, pets, cleaning products, and pesticides all contribute to the deterioration of your home air quality.

Fortunately, it’s simple and relatively inexpensive to improve ventilation and Indoor Air Quality. As a Carrier Authorized Dealer, Advanced HVAC & Plumbing offers the most innovative solutions to Indoor Air Quality concerns.

Carrier Indoor Air Quality Products

Carrier LogoCarrier’s award-winning Infinity air purifier cleans indoor air as often as eight times an hour and removes pollutants from the air that are up 18,000 times smaller than the head of a pin. Carrier ventilators quietly work to not only replace stale indoor air with fresh outside air all year long, but also pre-condition the incoming air to better match the inside air temperature.

Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) eliminates potentially harmful microbes, bacteria, yeast, mold, and even cooking odors. Installed within your HVAC duct systems, UV protects against spreading airborne viruses, reducing concentrations of airborne bio aerosols by 50% within 45 minutes. Carrier UV lamps kill organisms that often grow on the indoor coil of your cooling system, not only eliminating mold and bacteria but increasing your system performance at the same time.

Managing Humidity

Do you ever get a shock from your carpet? That’s a sure sign your humidity level is too low. The most effective way to humidify the entire house is with an evaporative model that can be positioned in your central furnace. Steam output humidifiers are perfect for larger homes or when you want more precise control over humidity. Fan-powered humidifiers are designed to quietly blow moisture directly into ductwork and spread proper humidity throughout your home.

Indoor Air Quality Morgantown, WV & Indoor Air Quality Testing Kingwood, WV

Indoor Air Quality has a significant impact on your family’s well being. You may not even notice it unless you’re uncomfortable, but poor IAQ has been proven to contribute to health problems such as headaches, eye irritation, nausea, allergies, fatigue, and asthma. In order to breathe cleaner, fresher air, call Advanced HVAC & Plumbing for a variety of convenient, affordable solutions in [geo-b] and Morgantown, WV.

Indoor Air Quality Testing & Indoor Air Quality Morgantown, WV, Kingwood, WV, Fairmont, WV, Cheat Lake, WV, Westover, WV & Star City, WV

Indoor Air Quality Testing Morgantown, WV & Indoor Air Quality Kingwood, WV

Indoor Air QualityIndoor Air Quality Testing ∴ Star City, WV ∴ Oakland, MD ∴ Fairmont, WV

We’re here to help – let’s get started.

Here For Your Home

Whether it’s time for an upgrade, you need a repair, you’d like to get ahead of the problem, or you’ve lost heating and cooling, Advanced is here to help when you need us most.

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Hazelton, WV

McHenry, MD

Bruceton Mills, WV

Mountain Lake Park, MD